MAIN SOURCE: https://youtu.be/CMYTP-F_mxw
Credits for this update: LeeBreaker | Thank you to all the team at Evoweb
Eddyedwards10 • Gabriele-150115 for his tireless assignments • Mr Zero for incredible model conversions and constant checking for errors • Hoppus117 for leading us up this path 😉 • bktr025 for his amazing League boots & Thumbnail – great work my friend! • Paztor from Soccergaming for the Adizero textures and model • Alexbeckhs for helping with the Puma Fearless dots argggghhhh (still not sure its totally right mate but will revisit at some point!) John Roma for his incredible Smokepatch DB work • Fleishman for his incredible faces • My best buddy BM Kits for his support and his amazing skills for kits • Zlac for his boot boutique which is a total revelation in boot assignments • Juce who if not for him none of this would be possible and also various other Evoweb members who I have twisted the ear of in the past to work out different things
Original links are posted on this website,
so that the main creators can see those original links.
Every link is checked before release.